Kiln Dried Ash Logs 40 Net Bags

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Kiln Dried Ash Logs 40 Net Bags

Prodej / Nabídka > Palivo, brikety

Kiln Dried Ash Logs 40 Net Bags, Kiln dried Ash logs 40 nets 22L size for sale . Ash logs are EU standard size, 25cm in length and 7-15cm wide measured across the widest edge. Netted Ash firewood is kiln dried to highest standards.

Product Specie: Ashwood
40 Nets 22 size, Approx. 9-10kg each
Crate Ext. Dim. 1.25m (h) x 1.18m (w) x 0.88m (d)
Pallet weight approx. 460kg
Log Length: 25cm (9 ¾”) is the standard length, tolerance + – 2cm.
Log Diameter: 7 -15cm (2 – 6”) measured across widest point of log. Tolerance on diameter +/- 10%.
5 side shrink wrapped prior dispatch
Moisture below 20%, high heat output, low ash, minimum soot & tar in chimney.

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DREVARI.SK, s.r.o.